Authentic. Regional. Cuisine.
A fine-dining restaurant that specializes in authentic and exclusive recipes inspired by timeless delicacies from the heartlands of Telangana.
Authentic. Regional. Cuisine
A fine-dining restaurant that specializes in authentic and exclusive recipes inspired
by timeless delicacies from the heartlands of Telangana.
Devouring the Art of Kolam
While branding, we kept in mind to incorporate regional touches imbued with a sense of nostalgia, such as fine-sized dot-filled texts to resemble the Indian art of ‘kolam’, a free-hand drawing done using rice powder that is believed to invite prosperity into homes.
Branding Transcends to Photography.
Visual story of the tradition’s most beloved gourmet delights.
Spicing up perfectly brewed flavors of Telugu cuisine.
Dine-in for Deliciousness.
Perfect combination
of spices, veg and non-veg
Branding Transcends to Photography. A fine-dining restaurant that specializes in authentic and exclusive recipes inspired by timeless delicacies from the heartlands of.